Abstract |
Ultrasonic Formation of the Matirials
of Different Physics-Chemical Nature
F.Legusha, S.I.Pugachev, N.G.Semenova
(St. Petersburg State Marine University, St. Petersburg, Russia)
and technological processes of ultrasonic formation of the products of finely
dispersed non-metallic powders:lead zirconate-titanate piezoelectric elements
and zinc oxide varistors as well as products from diffrent wood (birch, asp,
pine, etc.) are under consideration in the context of the common physics
mechanism. The prime point of the suggested mechanism is the presence of the
three-dimensional field of the acoustic
oscillations in the oscillating system incorporating the mold and working medium.
The developed analytical approach is extended to the specific cases of the
complex-shape ceramic products: piezoctramic and zinc oxide large-diametr
(big-size) liscs and thin-well piezoctramic cylinders.
applied to the products of the
kinds of wood mentioned above the
process of realizing of the pressed cylindrical samples with the increased
values of the physics-chemical parameters is considered. The process allows to
extend the region of the use of the wood iv idustry.
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