Abstract |
The Inverse Scattering Method for the
Equation Describing the High-Frequency Waves in a Relaxing Medium
V.O.Vakhnenko (Institute for
Geophysics, Kiev, Ukraine); E.J.Parkes (Department of Mathematics, University
of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK)
real media under the action of intense waves is often unsuccessful in the
framework of equilibrium models of continuum mechanics. To develop physical
models for wave propagation through media with complicated inner kinetics, the
notions based on the relaxational nature of a phenomenon are regarded to be
promising. We consider the nonlinear evolution equation (u_t+uu_x)_x+u=0
(Vakhnenko equation - VE) that arose as a result describing the high-frequency
perturbations in a relaxing medium. The study of the VE has scientific interest
both from the viewpoint of the existence of stable wave formations and from the
viewpoint of the general problem of integrability of nonlinear equations. The VE has two families of travelling wave
solutions, both of which are stable to long wavelength perturbations. In
particular, the VE has a loop-like soliton solution. The interaction of two
solitons by both Hirota's method and the IST method are considered. The IST
method has a third order eigenvalue problem. This has been achieved by finding
a Backlund transformation. A procedure for finding the exact N-soliton solution
to the VE via the IST method is described. Under the interaction of solitons
there are features that are not typical for the KdV equation.
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