Abstract (Invited) |
Sound and Pseudosound Generation in
Turbulent Boundary Layer
S.A.Rybak (N.N. Andreyev Acoustics
Institute, Moscow, Russia)
fluctuations that occure in a turbulent boundary layer (TBL)as a result of the
nonlinear interactions between the eddy field components are the object of many
theoretical and experimental studies.At the same time,the mechanism of the
linear transformation of vortex waves to longitudinal ones on a rigid or
elastic wall in TBL is rather poorly understood.This report continues our
previous study (K.A.Naugolnykh and S.A.Rybak.Tr.Akust.Inst.AN
last paper contains the formulae,which connects directly the shear stresses on
the wall with potential waves pulsations.There is an important experimental
confirmation of our results: B.M.Efimtsov and V.A.Sysoev.Acoust.Phys.43.307.(1997).
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