

Shock Wave Evolution in the Non-Equilibrium Fluctuating Media

I.P.Zavershinsky (Physics Department, Samara Aerospace University, Samara, Russia)

e-mail: zav@rs34.ssau.ru

The evolution of the shock wave in the non-equilibrium plasma is usually connected with development of Rayleigh instability. Nevertheless, spreading of the shock wave is demonstraned the anomalous features. In the definite conditions the shock waves are raised but in another conditions are damped. For description of weak shock waves evolution in the non-equilibrium fluctuating media we are used the standart system of nonlinear acoustics for relaxed media up to second order of the theory of perturbances. After representation of all functions in the form of superposition of coherent and fluctuating components and exception of the last one by method of Green functions we can obtain the some system for average eunctions.  In this problem there are three temporal scales: relaxation time, wave period and correlation time. In the each different spectral diapason this system is reduced to one equation. If the wavelength is less then the relaxation length, but more then the correlation scale the corresponding model is similar to Burgers equation with source. The solution of the equation in high-frequency diapason is damped, but in low-frequency diapason the solution is stationary. If the wavelength is more then the the correlation scale the model is similar to Qstrovsky equation with dissipative addition (negative or positive). In low-frequensy the model is similar to Burgers equation.


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