Abstract (Invited)


Research on Fundamental and Applied Acousto-Optics in Moscow State University

K.N.Baransky (Department of Polymer and Crystal Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State Univerisity, Moscow, Russia); V.B.Voloshinov (Department of Oscillation Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia)

e-mail: volosh@osc162.phys.msu.su

The report presents a review of results in the field of Acousto-Optics obtained in Moscow State University during the long period of time starting from the early thirties and till the recent years.  Contribution to the acousto-optical science of L.I.Mandelstaam, S.M.Ryrov, G.S Landsberg as well as of I.A. Yakovlev, V.G.Zubov, M.A.Firsova, B.A.Strukov, D.F.Kiselev, V.N.Parygin and  other speciallists from Moscow State University is reviewed in the presentation. The results on  the investigations in Fundemantal and Applied science are also discussed in the report. Recent  developments in applied Acousto-Optics, i.e. in the design of novel types of modulators,  defelectors and tunable acousto-optic filters intended for control of optical beam parameters, optical information processing and optical waveguide communication are described in the  paper. Detailed desciption of the peculiar diffraction phenomena and unknown regimes of light and sound interaction predicted and observed in Moscow University during the recent years is also included in the presentation.


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