Abstract (Invited)


Phase of Shock Wave Harmonics in Focused and Unfocused  Ultrasonic Sound Beams

H.Hobaek, R.A.Kippersund (Department of Physics, University of Bergen, Norway)

e-mail: halvor.hobak@fi.uib.no

The asymmetric waveform observed in shock waves i n high amplitude sound beams is strongly related  to the phase between the individual harmonic  components. We present experimental results from  2 plane and 2 focusing sound sources with  frequencies near 1 MHz in water. The phase angle  of each harmonic component, n, can be  approximated by A(n)=a n + B, where "a" simply  tells the location of the shock front within one  period of the signal, and the phase parameter "B" is a constant. The numerical value of B,  determined by least squares fit (neglecting  fundamental frequency), is found to depend on the range from the source, and also slightly on the amplitude. Moreover, this dependance is different for plane sources and focusing ones. For plane  sources: after small fluctuations within the  nearfield the phase parameter flattens out at a  value near -pi/2, reaching a slightly more  negative value with higher source amplitudes.  With the focusing sources the phase parameter  decreases more rapidly with range, approaching  values near 1. They are more sensitive to the  source amplitude than with the plane sources. At long ranges the waveform approaches a  sawtooth with plane sources, and a U-formed shock with focusing ones.


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