Abstract |
Nonlinear Magnetoacoustics of
Rare-Earth Orthoferrites
B.Zon, D.L.Dorofeev, A.A.Krivchenkova,
G.V.Pakhomov (Physical Department, Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia)
acoustic effects in the crystals of rare-earth orthoferrites are investigated.
The experimentally detected process of the time-periodical energy exchange
between the harmonics of magnetization in YFeO3 [B.A.Zon, G.V.Pakhomov,
Nonlinear interaction of magnetoelastic waves in yttrium orthoferrite //
Letters to JETP 70, 12 (1999)] is theoretically explained. Investigation of the
above effects allows us to make a comparison with the same effects in nonlinear
optics as well as estimate the magnetic and acoustic parameters of the
orthoferrites, which are widely used in ultrasound and magnetooptic devices.
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