Abstract |
Methastable Shock Waves in the Problems
of Nonlinear Elasticity Theory
A.G.Kulikovskii (Steklov Mathematical
Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia); A.P.Chugainova
(Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia)
is a non-uniqueness in self-similar piston problems and arbitrary discontinuity disintegration problems. In
many cases the solution contains the shock, which can disintegrate according to
the conservation law. Such a shock can be termed the methastable shock. If
methastable shocks are excluded from solutions, the solutions of the above
mentioned problems are unique. To analyze the problem of self-similar solutions
uniqueness the viscous stresses are taken into account in the motion equations.
Many problems are computed for which
asymptotics correspond to inviscous self-similar solutions. It was
shown, that in cases of non-uniqueness all self-similar solution can represent
the asymptotic of a viscous solution depending on problem formulation details, which
disappear in self-similar problem if the viscosity vanish. The stability of
methastable shocks is investigated from linear and nonlinear one-dimensional
and two-dimensional points of view. It was obtained, that methastable shocks
are stable if they are considered as viscoelastic waves. The obtained results
lead to the conclusion that non-uniqueness is intrinsic property of the
classical nonlinear elasticity theory. To select a unique solution additional
terms such as viscous ones should be introduced in the equations.
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