Abstract (Invited) |
Lie Group Analysis of Nonlinear
N.H.Ibragimov (Research Centre ALGA:
Advances in Lie Group Analysis, Department of Health, Science and Mathematics,
Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden)
group analysis provides a rigorous mathematical formulation of intuitive ideas
of symmetry and invariance. These ideas permeate all mathematical models, in
particular those formulated in terms of differential or integro-differential
equations. Theoretically, Lie group analysis combines, via Lie's infinitesimal
method, all three principal branches of mathematics: algebra, analysis and
geometry. It augments intuition in
understanding and using symmetry properties in mathematical models. Practically, Lie group analysis discloses
possible approaches to solving complex problems. It furnishes a universal and effective method
for solving nonlinear equations analytically.
It is particularly useful when other means of integration fail. Numerous
physical phenomena can be investigated using Lie symmetries to unearth various
group invariant solutions and conservation laws that provide significant
physical insights into the problem. The
present talk is a general survey of the basic methods from classical Lie group
theory and its developments in modern group analysis. The methods are illustrated by means of
various nonlinear models typical for problems of nonlinear acoustics.
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