Abstract |
Experiments on a Three-Phase Medium
with a Negative Parameter of Nonlinearity
D.H.Trivett, H.Pincon, P.H.Rogers
(Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology,
Atlanta, GA , USA)
david.trivet@me.gatech.edu; peter.rogers@me.gatech.edu
most media, the small signal sound speed increases with increasing hydrostatic
pressure. These media have positive
nonlinear coefficients and the propagation of finite-amplitude signals, of
sufficient amplitude, result in compressive shockwaves. We investigate a novel three-phase medium in
which the small signal sound speed decreases with increasing hydrostatic
pressure. The nonlinear coefficient is
large and negative and the propagation of finite-amplitude signals can lead to
the generation of rarefactive shockwaves.
Both theoretical and experimental results, that show the phase of
harmonic generation and the distortion of the waveform, are presented.
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