

Experimental Acoustical Research of Nonlinear Shear  Properties of Visco-Elastic Materials

B.B.Damdinov, B.B.Badmaev, M.N.Ivanova (Buryat Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences (Siberian Division), Ulan-Ude, Russia)

e-mail: dababa@rambler.ru

Visco-elastic properties of materials are revealed first of all under shear deformation. In present work the shear visco-elastic properties of liquids have been investigated by acoustic resonance method. The liquid was disposed between piezoquartz crystal oscillated at a resonance frequency and solid cover plate. The liquid interlayer undergoes a shear deformation. Shear modulus and the tangent of mechanical loss angle for tested liquids have been measured. The components of shear complex modulus have been defined from resonance properties changes of quartz. Thickness of liquid interlayer (1-10 um) was less than shear wavelength and controlled by optical method. Results obtained have been considered on the basis of the rheological models. It was shown that experimental viscosities are above the tabular ones and decrease with shear deformation.


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