Abstract (Invited) |
Entropy, Acoustic, and Vorticity Mode
Decomposition as an Initial Step in Nonlinear Acoustics Formulations
A.Pierce (Department of Aerospace and
Mechanical Engineering, Boston University, Boston, USA)
idea that fluid dynamic disturbances can be
decomposed into three fields goes back to Kirchhoff and to Chu and
Kovasznay. The labeling of the three
fields ensues from that, in the linear limit, the equations governing these fields correspond
to thermal (entropy) diffusion, sound
propagation, and vorticity diffusion. The restriction to Prandtl numbers of 3/4 is not necessary if the
thermal conductivity and viscosity are "small" in an appropriate sense. The restriction to
small disturbances is removed with the
definition of mathematical operators acting on the total spatial dependence of
the overall field, which project out each of the three fields. The formalism
gives a clarified derivation of Lighthill's equation and also gives a framework for deriving wave
equations that are used in nonlinear
acoustics and in the propagation of
sound in inhomogeneous moving media. The principal trick is to assign
amplitude, length, and time scales to each of the fields separately, and then
to identify dimensionless groups one might assume are small in expansions.
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