

Cooperativity in Bubble Cluster for Cavitational Sonoluminescence

V.Teslenko, G.N.Sankin, A.P.Drozhzhin (Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics of SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia); R.N.Medvedev (Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia.)

e-mail: teslenko@hydro.nsc.ru ; vteslenko@mail.ru

Pulse acoustic systems with spherical and cylindrical focusing are examined and compared with well-known stationary ultrasonic generators for sonoluminescence. An advantage of the pulse systems over ultrasonic ones consists in possibility to generate more powerful pressure waves with varied amplitude and time parameters. The principle of a co-operational dynamics of cavitational bubbles is experimentally realized both in a spherical (focal distance of 55 mm) focusing near a free surface, and in a cylindrical (inner diameter of 83 mm, outer diameter of 103 mm, height of from 55 to 110 mm) focusing on an axis acoustic shock wave generators. With this technique a cavitational bubble cluster is investigated and co-operation for collapsing bubbles in the cluster is observed. It is shown that if a time interval between compression and rarefaction peaks decreases, a photon output of the cavitational cluster increases.


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