

Bulk Solitary Waves of Deformation in Elastic Wave Guides

A.M.Samsonov, G.V.Dreiden, I.V.Semenova, A.V.Porubov (The Ioffe Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St.Petersburg, Russia)

e-mail: samsonov@math.ioffe.rssi.ru

We study the bulk solitary wave propagation in elastic wave guide, governed by continuum  mechanics approach and caused by short-run and reversible elastic loading. Theory,  numerical and physical experiments in soliton generation, focusing, reflection and decay are considered.  Pre-calculated variations of the solitary wave parameters in tapered elastic rods,  and plates, and inhomogeneous wave guides may be identified and registered.  The solitary wave reflected from the clamped end was found to retain polarity and  all properties of an incident soliton, while reflection from a free end resulted in  soliton disappearance.  When the wave guide is embedded into other solids it results in a dissipation-like  term in equations. Various exact travelling wave solutions to dissipative equations  can be obtained for square and cubic non-linearity in closed form in terms of  elliptic functions.  Numerical simulations of solitary wave behaviour in embedded, complex or  inhomogeneous wave guides were developed; a set of distinctive features of the  solitary wave is proposed to perform an introscopic study of solids. Applications of strain solitons to solid state physics, material science and  nondestructive testing are discussed. The partial support of this study by INTAS Grant no. 99-00167 is gratefully acknowledged.  References: Alexander M. Samsonov. Strain solitons in solids and how to construct them. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, London, Boca Raton, 248 pp.


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